Gotham's Board of Directors is seeking new members!
/If you are interested or know a good candidate, please reach out. Candidates are not required to be active or former league members. Please read the outline below and reach out to the board ( if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Board of Directors
As a non-profit organization, Gotham is led by a Board of Directors. This Board serves as the organization’s governing body, and works together with Gotham’s annually elected Advisory Board (AB) which administers all day-to-day and operational issues.
In compliance with state and federal law, Directors act as the fiduciaries responsible for the financial, legal, and public interest activities of the organization. Specific Director responsibilities include:
Advancing the league’s mission
Approving the annual operating budget and reviewing all major financial plans (including, but not limited to, lease signing, borrowing, investing, and negotiating major contracts)
Coordinating annual tax filings and financial audits
Assuming responsibility on behalf of the organization for legal issues and lawsuits
Overseeing paid employee annual compensation and performance
Recruitment and planning for succession – specifically in collaboration with the league’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
The Board currently has 6 members and maintains active officer positions. Directors are nominated and approved by a selection committee consisting of the full board and a minimum of two active league members.
Time: Directors serve a term of two years, up to a maximum of 6 consecutive years. Typically, the Board holds monthly meetings but makes special arrangements to meet more frequently or to meet with AB members as needed. In addition, Directors are expected to attend at least 1 annual league meeting and at least 2 Gotham games annually.
Total personal time commitment is estimated between 5-10 hours monthly.
Finances: Gotham currently has no give/get policy in place.
Directors are expected to participate in league fundraising – through organizing events or campaigns, supporting league initiatives, soliciting gifts and donations, and other means.
The current Board comes from a range of backgrounds. Gotham is in a transitional period, navigating a variety of organizational issues, and additional expertise is sought in the following areas:
Fundraising & event planning
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Human Resources
Strategic Planning
Architecture/Construction/MEP fields
Non-profit management
Marketing/social media
Video/visual media arts
Board governance and expansion
Web development
Community building with local gov’t and community organizations
School systems/youth
Legal experience
Professional athletic organizations connection or experience
Photo by Christina Morillo