League News

Gotham Junior Derby Back in Action at Lakeside in Prospect Park

Come roll with us on the track this season and become a Gotham Junior Roller Derby skater!

Our youth program is open to cisgender, transgender and intersex girls, and gender non-conforming participants 7 to 17 years old. We provide opportunities for skaters of all skill levels to learn and play in a fun, safe, and supportive environment.

Junior skate classes begin May 8th – visit our Junior Derby Skate Classes page to learn more about classes, coaches, and how we prepare our skaters for contact.

Skaters can also join Gotham Junior Derby coaches this August at Lakeside Rink at the Lefrak Center in Prospect Park for one of our 5 day outdoor skate camps!

There's a camp for every age and experience level, from new skaters looking to learn the basics to to experienced roller derby players.

Find dates and more info at our Junior Skate Camp page.

Gotham Junior Roller Derby skaters scrimmaging

Photo by David Dyte.

Fundraiser - Help Gotham Roller Derby Get Back on Track

Gotham Roller Derby needs your help to keep NYC's only flat track roller derby league for adults and youth rolling.

Since the pandemic shutdown we have had to make some difficult financial decisions, one of the biggest being the loss of our practice space of 10+ years. While our search for a new space continues, our funds continue to deplete. Despite some financial support from dues, merch, and running limited paid programming, our operating costs surpass what we are bringing in.

Our search for a new home has been greatly complicated due to the pandemic, our financial situation, and the changing real estate market -- but we believe Gotham is worth fighting for!

Gotham Roller Derby has applied for a grant through A Community Thrives, a fundraising competition that will allow us to win additional awards so long as we raise $5,000 on our own through our MightyCause Fundraising Page.

Here's how you can help us meet our goal and win up to $25,000 in bonus awards!

  1. Donate a minimum of $5 on our fundraising page between now and August 13. The best window of time to donate is August 3 - August 9, where we can be eligible to earn an additional $4,000!

  2. Share our fundraising page (https://acommunitythrives.mightycause.com/story/Gotham-Back-On-Track) with your family and friends - every donation of at least $5 increases the chance we have of winning bonus awards!

  3. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and re-share our posts; we'll be sharing testimonials from the Gotham community on what the league means to them.

Thanks for being a part of our community!

Gotham Girls Roller Derby Changes Name to Gotham Roller Derby, Will Rebrand Logo

Effective as of 4/22, Gotham Girls Roller Derby (GGRD) will be changing our name to Gotham Roller Derby (GRD) to better reflect our community and the evolution of our sport. 

Founded in 2003, Gotham Roller Derby is New York City’s only skater-operated roller derby league for cisgender, transgender and intersex women and gender non-conforming participants. The league is comprised of strong, diverse, and independent members and committed to fostering competition and community while representing our city on and off the track.

In the time since our league was created, we have aspired to create a more inclusive culture for non-binary and gender expansive participants and want our name to represent our membership. The decision to change the name was made in 2019 and we are excited to be formally making this shift to ensure that our name is reflective of our community as it is and as we wish it to be. 

While we’ve been pursuing this name change for some time, we’ve faced key delays this year due to COVID-19, the decision to move out of our practice space, and the implementation of a new strategic plan to address these challenges. As a DIY organization, we are powered by volunteers and we’re grateful to the league members who made this name change a reality. 

With our name change effective immediately, we have also made the decision to pursue a logo redesign given concerns raised by the league around inclusivity. Gotham’s present logo is a white, feminine, thin, and non-disabled figure-head, which sends a signal of who the community and sport is for. This signal is not reflective of our present membership nor the community that Gotham wishes to nurture. Until we have established the new logo, we will be using a temporary placeholder, which is our current logo with the updated name.

We recognize that this rebrand is just one piece of our efforts to make the community more inclusive and that there is still much work to be done. As we reflect and take action on the many changes that need to happen within our league, this logo redesign is moving forward alongside a number of streams of work around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Photo by David Dyte

Photo by David Dyte

Rewatch: 2017 “Lost” Championship, Queens vs Brooklyn - Saturday, Feb. 20 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time on Twitch

There’s more than one way to “lose” a game. The 2017 Gotham championship match footage has never been available to the public - until now. Join Sexy Slaydie, Hyper Lynx, DARYL, Shortstop, Gut-Her Punk, low maim and Em Power as we revisit this nailbiter of a Brooklyn vs Queens championship game that went into overtime to determine the winner. See you on Saturday, February 20th at 7:00PM Eastern Time on Twitch!


Actually, It's the HAM & Hammy Show - Tuesdays at 8:00 PM ET on Twitch

Join us for Gotham’s talk show - Actually, It's the HAM & Hammy Show - Tuesday nights at 8PM Eastern Time! HAM & Hammy discuss derby life topics, figs, pop culture and more. We’d love to hear from you in the chat. Join us on Twitch!

Upcoming shows:

Tuesday, April 6: Streaming

Join us as we host Chad from NerdDerby and chat about all things streaming.

Past shows:

Tuesday, February 16: Haterade

Last week, we were all about the love. This week, we are going to eat candy and wash it down with Haterade. Join us as we complain about the little things in life that bug us.

Tuesday, January 12: Performers in Derby

Derby-life balance featuring Bobby Narco and Queen Elizatits.

Tuesday, January 19: Activism and derby

Join us as we talk about the intersection between derby and activism.

Tuesday, January 26: Elections 

Gotham just had elections. Join us as we discuss the importance of elections in roller derby leagues.

Tuesday, February 2: Food, Glorious Food

Join us for a virtual recipe swap. Are your kitchen skills legendary? Have you never had a soggy bottom? Tell us all about it.

Tuesday, February 9: Love and Derby

Did you meet your sweetie in derby? Let’s chat.

Photos by Jean Schwarzwalder